You are unique. you have inherent qualities that You and only you possess. Your personality, your strengths, your weakness, your skills and abilities are all a perfect combination that make you who you are. Many (if not all of us) do not know our true identity. We misunderstand, are deceived, or even run from it. As you seek out your true identity you will not only discover it, you will be strengthened in it. This is an ongoing process that can be refining and enriching.

Symbol: Stone
Each of us has an individual identity. We are the same but made up of different "stuff". Stones are found in different places all across the world. A stone has unique qualities and traits. They are different from one another in many degrees (ie: softness, vibrancy, or luster). Stones can be chiseled and fractured or made smooth by erosion. These last qualities can represent the experiences we face that shape us into who we are while using what we already were.