Transformative Therapy For:

 Sexual Addiction

It's Time For A Sunrise In Your Life

Schedule a free 15-minute Consultation Call or sign up for your first session (Sessions Available This Week).

Transformative Therapy For:


It's Time For A Sunrise In Your Life

Schedule a free 15-minute Consultation Call or sign up for your first session (Sessions Available This Week).

Upcoming Community Events: 

The Cave + The Hero's Journey | Women's event, and A BREATHWORK EXPERIENCE!

Welcome To Love Strong.

We strive to help men and women heal their hearts and realize their own God-give goodness through therapy, experience, connection, and WHOLHEARTED living.

Sunrise Over Logan Canyon, UT

Sunrise Over Logan Canyon, UT

"My soul is at peace, and I have hope. I feel like I have a whole new life. I am grateful."

J. (Former Counseling Client)

Therapy That Heals And Makes Whole

How Can We Help You?

We have a team of counselors in Logan Utah ready to help you. The Love Strong team consists of Masters-level therapists that have collectively led tens of thousands of sessions for men and women, for individuals, couples and groups. We have seen miraculous healing and life-changing breakthroughs from clients who thought they would never see the light of hope again.

Our Foundation Starts With

Quality Traditional Therapy

Individual Counseling

Individual sessions are great for receiving guidance & support tailored to your specific needs and circumstance. You are the only one who has walked in your shoes. Sometimes that means growth is best achieved through customized counseling. Sign up for a consultation call or meet our team.

Group Therapy

We believe strongly in the power of the collective. Group therapy provides perspective and real experience from others, like you, who are learning to face the pain and persevere. Our group therapy sessions are lead by therapists in Logan Utah with background in treating a range of issues from addiction, to anxiety, to depression and trauma.

Couple's Counseling

You can recover your relationship and even be stronger than ever before. You will know each other more intimately and with greater compassion and reverence for one another. 

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...But It Goes Beyond That

We Offer Experience As Well


Physical activity, such as exercise or dance, acts as a natural antidepressant, releasing endorphins that boost happiness and reduce stress. Regular movement alleviates depression and anxiety, improves mood, self-esteem, and cognitive function. It strengthens both body and mind, promoting well-being and resilience. So... Of course we should incorporate this 😂.


Research has demonstrated that nature can provide a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety levels. Spending time outdoors can improve mood and boost overall mental well-being. Engaging with nature through activities like gardening or hiking can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Mindfulness, the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment, can be a powerful tool for managing mental health. By cultivating mindfulness, individuals can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall psychological well-being. Research has shown that mindfulness-based interventions can effectively alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.

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We Are Specialists In Helping With

Trauma Therapy

Trauma leaves a deep impact on us that influences much of our decision making, often in ways we don't even recognize. We can help you identify and reshape your core beliefs to reinforce a healthy and positive view of yourself. We have depression and anxiety therapists based in Utah to help you heal.

Shame Resiliency

Shame resilience is a skill that can be learned and developed, allowing you to navigate difficult emotions and experiences with greater self-compassion, self-acceptance, and inner strength. This is one of our greatest areas of expertise, both in knowing shame individually and helping to combat it. 

Overcoming Fear

Facing your fears can be challenging, but it is essential for personal growth and empowerment. With the right tools and support, you can learn to manage your fears and live a more fulfilling life. This doesn't happen in an instant, but incrementally over time, and it's even easier if you have the right support.

Broken Relationships

Couples therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment for partners to process their emotions, identify the root causes of their pain, and develop coping mechanisms to heal their broken hearts. Through therapy, couples can learn to communicate more effectively, understand each other's perspectives, and rebuild intimacy and trust in their relationship.

Sexual Addiction Recovery

Whether it's pornography, masturbation, infidelity or another unwanted issue, we will help you uproot it and plant new seeds of lasting change. Even if you've battled this problem in secret for years, we can help you to finally overcome it.

Betrayal Trauma Healing

Betrayal often leaves a deep wound of sorrow, distrust, anger and pain that if left alone will fester and manifest elsewhere in your life. Receiving support and guidance from someone with the healer's art is critical to truly mend.

In-Person Or Online

We offer in-person therapy sessions as well as virtual / online sessions called teletherapy. This applies to all of our formats of therapy including Individual, Couples, or Group therapy. Whether you're seeking Utah counseling services, South Eastern Idaho counseling services or are residing in a different state, we have the ability to help you!

Therapy Modalities 

We Are Professionally Trained In

Modality • A therapy modality is a specific approach or technique used by therapists to help clients address psychological or emotional issues.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps people change their thinking patterns and behaviors. It's based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected, and that by changing one, we can change the others. CBT has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

In CBT, therapists help their clients identify their negative thinking patterns and behaviors, and then challenge and change them. Therapists also teach clients coping skills to help them manage their symptoms and improve their overall functioning. CBT is a collaborative process, and therapists work with their clients to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to their individual needs.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy technique that helps people heal from trauma and other distressing experiences. EMDR works by targeting the brain’s natural healing mechanisms and allowing clients to process and resolve their traumatic memories. During an EMDR session, the client will recall the traumatic memory while simultaneously engaging in bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or tapping. This process helps to desensitize the client to the memory and promote emotional healing. EMDR is an effective treatment for a wide range of issues, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and phobias.

The validity of EMDR is well supported by numerous scientific studies, which have demonstrated its efficacy in reducing symptoms and improving the psychological well-being of individuals who have experienced trauma.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals learn to accept their thoughts and emotions while committing to values-based action. Unlike traditional therapies that focus on changing thoughts and behaviors, ACT emphasizes the importance of acceptance and mindfulness. Through ACT, individuals can learn to develop psychological flexibility, which is the ability to adapt to difficult situations and respond in a way that is consistent with their values. ACT has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. If you are interested in learning more about ACT, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a revolutionary approach to couples therapy that has been shown to be highly effective in helping couples improve their relationships. Developed by Dr. Sue Johnson, EFT focuses on the emotional connection between partners and aims to help them develop a secure and lasting bond. Through EFT, couples learn to identify and express their emotions in a healthy way, resolve conflict, and create a more intimate and fulfilling relationship. EFT has been found to be particularly helpful for couples struggling with communication problems, infidelity, and emotional distance. If you're looking for a therapy that can help you and your partner reconnect and rebuild your relationship, EFT may be the right option for you.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy that combines cognitive-behavioral therapy with mindfulness and acceptance-based techniques. DBT was originally developed to treat borderline personality disorder, but it has since been found to be effective for a variety of other mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. DBT teaches skills that help people manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a healthier way. These skills include mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT is typically conducted in a group setting, but it can also be done individually. DBT has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of mental health conditions and improving quality of life.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is similar to EMDR, but lesser known. It is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals process and resolve traumatic memories and emotions. Unlike traditional therapies that focus on talking about past experiences, ART uses eye movements to access and reprocess traumatic memories in a way that is safe and effective. Through ART, individuals can learn to reduce the intensity of their emotional responses to traumatic memories and develop healthier coping mechanisms. ART has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. If you are interested in learning more about ART, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a therapeutic model that views the mind as a system of interconnected parts, or "subpersonalities." These subpersonalities can be thought of as different aspects of ourselves, such as our inner child, our critical parent, or our spiritual self. IFS therapy aims to help clients understand and work with these different parts of themselves in order to achieve greater harmony and integration. IFS therapists use a variety of techniques to help clients access and communicate with their subpersonalities, including guided imagery, mindfulness, and dialogue. IFS therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a type of therapy that combines mindfulness meditation with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). It's designed to help people learn how to manage stress, anxiety, and depression. MBCT is based on the idea that we can learn to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way, which can help us to break free from negative patterns of thinking and behavior. MBCT has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions, and it can also be helpful for people who are looking to improve their overall well-being.

Motivational interviewing (MI)

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling approach that helps people explore and resolve ambivalence about change. It is a collaborative, person-centered approach that focuses on the client's strengths and resources. MI is based on the belief that people are capable of change and that they have the inner resources to make positive changes in their lives. The goal of MI is to help people identify and overcome barriers to change and to develop a plan for action. MI has been shown to be effective in a variety of settings, including substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, and medical settings.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy designed to help children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events. TF-CBT focuses on helping children and adolescents understand and cope with their trauma, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and decrease their symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). TF-CBT is typically conducted in a weekly individual or group therapy session and involves a variety of techniques, including psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, and relaxation training. TF-CBT has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety in children and adolescents who have experienced trauma.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a type of therapy that helps parents and children improve their relationship. It is based on the differentiation theory, which suggests that parents and children need to be able to separate themselves emotionally in order to have a healthy relationship. PCIT teaches parents how to set limits, be consistent, and provide positive reinforcement for their children's good behavior. It also helps children learn how to express their emotions in a healthy way and how to cope with difficult situations. PCIT has been shown to be effective in reducing behavior problems in children and improving the relationship between parents and children.

Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling is a form of psychotherapy that integrates Christian principles and beliefs into the counseling process. It is based on the belief that the Bible provides a comprehensive framework for understanding human nature and relationships, and that Christian counselors can help clients to experience healing and growth through their faith. Christian Counseling typically involves exploring the client's relationship with God, examining their beliefs and values, and helping them to develop coping mechanisms and strategies for living a more fulfilling life. Christian counselors are typically trained in both psychology and theology, and they work with clients of all ages and backgrounds.

You can experience lasting change.

You can become your best self.


From Real People On Their Journey

Living Testimonials

"Healing And Uplifting"

"My therapist was gifted in his ability to assist me in working through PTSD and betrayal trauma. His insights were healing and uplifting. My therapist is compassionate and non-judgmental. They deeply care about helping me and others out of the dark places and on the path to finding light. I can now say that I have hope for continued healing and a brighter future."

K. (Individual Therapy)

"Don't Hesitate"

"It's just been really tremendous and I can't say enough about Love strong and what they've done for me ... I just want to say thank you and say if you're thinking about signing up don't hesitate because it's not very expensive for one and two. Aren't you worth it."

J. (Group Coaching)

"My Soul Is At Peace"

"I have had significant trauma in my life. Before going to Love Strong, I had daily flashbacks and insomnia. The trauma was literally hijacking my life. I felt like every day was a day of survival, to just make it through. Looking back, I honestly don't know how I lived in that darkness. They were empathetic and guided me through the healing process. After decades of suffering, I don't have flashbacks anymore, and I can sleep at night. My soul is at peace, and I have hope. I feel like I have a whole new life. I am grateful."

K. (Individual Therapy)

"Deeply Cares"

"Love Strong’s team is awesome! Tyler is amazing with his work and efforts that were put into what he does. He is genuine and thoughtful to each one of us. He knows us personally and deeply cares for the clients. I don’t feel like a client anymore, but more of a part of a team or part of group that wants to better themselves and improve their being in this world. Tyler knows how to bring out the best of me and the others. Makes us think outside the box and I feel that with time we can change with his coaching and friendship. nothing but the best to stay about Love Strong! These guys are now part of who I am."

A. (Individual Therapy)

"Being Encouraged In The Process Is Vital"

"My wife and I have received counseling from Tyler for several years. We have worked individually, as a couple, and in group therapy. We have been able to make huge strides individually and as a couple. Tyler teaches, guides, understands, and encourages. Much of the work is our own to do, but knowing what to do, and being encouraged in the process is vital."

J. (Therapy)

"I was nervous to see a therapist"

"Originally, I was nervous to see a therapist, but after going to Love Strong, I’ve been glad to make the choice to see one. They've been helpful with my personal struggles and it’s been easy to understand his insights. I always leave appointments feeling better and more educated.

S. (Therapy)

"Time Well Spent"

A close friend recommended them to me and I’m so glad they did. I looked forward to our visits and always came away feeling it was time well-spent.

T. (Therapy)

"I have been able to find my voice"

"There have been so many life skills I have obtained and learned how to execute adequately. I started in survival mode, struggling to find any sense of peace and logic that could adequately explain my behaviors or thoughts. And while the work was hard and intense, I have been able to find my voice. I have found me. I’ve learned how to set boundaries, and I now have a deep sense of self-worth I have never had. Relationships I have repaired, and the new relationships I work to form have a deeper sense of vulnerability and connection, and my life is much more fulfilling. This doesn’t come easy; the work is hard, the price is high, but the reward is worth it. Their teaching methods have changed my life, which indubitably has changed the lives of my children, my family, and all those around me because I have been able to change them. I will be forever thankful."

J. (Therapy)

"I Truly Thank God..."

"In 2019 I experienced betrayal trauma that was life shattering. Everything I believed to be true in my relationship, my core beliefs and values, and faith was in question. I was very skeptical of therapists, especially a male, because of previous experiences and believing he could not possibly be empathetic to something he had not experienced. I did not feel safe sharing my deep pain with a man. Three years later, I have experienced massive growth and healing due to our therapist's guidance, expertise, and professionalism. My husband and I would not be in the much healthier, safer, and loving relationship we are in today without them. I truly thank God for guiding us to someone who could truly understand and help us with the complex relationship and addiction problems we faced."

A. (Couple's Therapy)

"Makes A Huge Difference."

"I did a year of group therapy with Love Strong. my therapist is a dang good therapist, but even more than that, he is a good man. He really cares about the people he works with, and, to me, that makes a huge difference, enough for me to get on the road to recovery and learn how to manage my own garbage."

C. (Group Therapy)

"They played a major role in my recovery and are responsible for so much of my happiness."

W. (Group Therapy)

"Do This For You!"

"I can’t say enough positive things about Love Strong!! They have helped me from my lowest lows! Tyler is very focused, is awesome at listening & makes me feel like I’m the only person he is helping, even though I know he is helping hundreds of people and has helped thousands of people over his years of experience! He is so knowledgeable from his own personal experiences on top of all of his education, special training, conferences, and years of working as a therapist in his specialized areas. I love that he always validates my feelings and also pushes me to better myself through the recovery/healing process specific to me. Tyler is simply outstanding as a person & as a therapist! If you are looking for a therapist, take the step to call his amazing staff & get yourself an appointment or consult. You matter. You are important. You deserve all the best. Do this for you! You are worth it! ♥️"

A. (Therapy)

Why We Are Here

We Believe

The Wandering Therapist Web Course

We believe so fully in the process of healing and change because we have experienced it for ourselves. We've been lost in the dark, at the bottom, hopeless and desperate for a miracle. The miracle came. God lit a path that began a journey in recovery. We've learned principles of therapy alongside christian values and it's changed us as we've applied them. You'll be amazed as you commit to this same process. 

Sunrise Over Cache Valley, UT

Why We Are Here

We Believe

The Wandering Therapist Web Course

We fully believe in healing and transformation because we have seen it and  experienced it ourselves. We've been lost in the dark, at the bottom, hopeless, and desperate for a miracle. The miracle came. God lit a path that began a journey in recovery. We've learned principles of therapy alongside Christian values, and it's changed us as we've applied them. You'll be amazed as you commit to this same process. 

Sunrise Over Cache Valley, UT

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

- Maria Robinson 

Are You Ready For A Transformation?

It's Time For A Sunrise In Your Life.

Sunrise on top of The Wellsvilles, UT

Are You Ready For A Transformation?

It's Time For A Sunrise In Your Life.

Sunrise on top of The Wellsvilles, UT