The Skill Of Building Mastery

January 23, 2024

In this episode, Tyler discusses the pursuit of a fulfilling life beyond happiness. He introduces the concept of a “wholehearted life” and emphasizes the value of building mastery in various aspects. Drawing from his own journey into hunting, Tyler highlights the transformative power of aligning activities with personal values.

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what's going on you guys Tyler wanding therapist here I was out just walking my dog she's looking for some birds right now pretty excited but uh I was just thinking about a question I get all the time you know is the therapist people come in and they they what do we want in life we want to be happy right and I think that's one of our overall goals and I would say that sometimes that might be the wrong target because happiness can sort of be fleeting just like most other emotions but A Life That's what I would call fulfilled a life that's full of some of the other fruits of what I think are a wholehearted life peace Joy love all of those things they kind of accumulate to have what's called a wholehearted life in my opinion and I was just thinking about one little skill that seems to be a really valuable thing as part of our way of life towards all of those fruits of a wholehearted life towards love joy peace confidence competence happiness and it's a simple principle but it's so valuable and I just wanted to talk a little bit about it it's and it's called the skill of building Mastery and the premise of that skill is is that each of us should be engaged in our lives at any given time in our lives we should be intentionally engaged in the process of becoming a master at something and that could be anything that could be in our jobs that could be as a parent that could be as a spouse that could often times for me it's in my hobbies and and like currently right now I'm been learning for a couple of years now I'm kind of new I'm like a middle-aged man and my midlife crisis has become learning try trying to learn how to hunt and learn about guns and learn about ballistics and and all sorts of things and I'm still a novice in all of those areas but I'm learning and I'm much better now than I was a year ago or two years ago and I'm looking forward to getting better but I wanted to talk a little bit about why it's so valuable to be engaged in building Mastery whatever it is that you choose to do whether it's a different hobby whether it's artwork or music or sewing or cooking or or whatever it is the process of building Mastery is so important to increasing what I call the Savor of life making it sweet making it Savory making it vibrant and the reason why is because it allows us to take our time and to invest it into places that are usually tied to our values so they matter towards our values it also allows us to use our time towards something productive and there's something about the process of not knowing and going through the difficult part of coming to know that builds confidence it builds competence it allows us to know that we're good at something at the end of the day as we get better at it it also allows us to use our time towards good things rather than the things in this world that want to numb us you know we can sit in front of the TV all day we can go play video games all day maybe that's the build master you want to do um but those things are numbing things and and when you're engaged in something that is moving you towards something that's tied to your values it's it adds to life it adds to the color of life so I've loved being able to read books to watch videos to get out in nature and actually come and do this and put things into practice I've loved to be able to take the things that I've read in books and and seen on videos and actually put them into action and it all came to fru this year with my daughter's first deer where it almost played out almost textbook to the things that I've been learning and it felt so good to have those principles reinforced with the hunt that we just had and and the beautiful thing about building masteries is that it doesn't end when you become a master at something at least most of us we like to be able to give the things that we've learned to the people that matter to us the most and so as we grow in confidence and competence through the process of building Mastery that adds Savor and beauty and and all of those things to our lives but then as we become masterful at something you know you go to a new depth with something when you can turn around and teach it to somebody else and offer that gift and that's the beauty of this life that's that's step 12 in the 12 Steps it's turning around and making the life of somebody else better because of the experiences you've had and the things that you've learned so uh what are you building Mastery at and if you're not make a commitment and put some of your time and you're energy and your resources and your heart into the process of building Mastery at something that matters to you because it does at the end of the day make life a lot more worth living thanks a lot guys have a great day thank you so much for being here with me if you found this to be valuable for you please hit the like And subscribe button if you're facing particular struggles that you need help with or roadblocks that you're running into please submit a question I'd be happy to answer it for you [Music]

Tyler Patrick

About the author

"The Wandering Therapist"
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist based in Northern Utah. I help men, women, and couple's heal their hearts and relationships from addiction and trauma. I love this process of redemption and I have faith you can experience it too.