The Power Of Throwing An Audible

December 26, 2023

In this Episode, Tyler talks about the transformative power of throwing life’s audibles—embracing spontaneity, finding joy in nature, and the rejuvenating effects of breaking routine. 🌿

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what's going on you guys let's talk today about the power of sometimes throwing an audible in uh in football when the when the team comes up to line up the quarterback looks at the defense and sometimes when he sees what the defense is going to do he calls an audible meaning he changes the play right before they actually run the play that they were originally going to call and he does it in order to help manage the defense that's trying to figure out what he's trying to do and today I decided to throw an audible and I've got just this awesome day going on right now you kind of see my couple of my friends in the background couple of really good friends out on the river out on the Teton river right now you can see what kind of a day it is mid October you don't get many of these kinds of days where the weather is up in the 60s close to the 70s but You' got the Fall colors the sound of the water the fishing's been incredible today too which is just an extra blessing and it got me thinking about the blessing of being able to to call an audible sometimes where you know it's a Monday today it's usually a day that I'm at work it's actually a day when I typically film my podcast but uh I had my brother ran and be willing to cover me today so that I could come up and not film the podcast and then I just happen to reschedule a few appointments which I usually hate to do but today was just the right thing to do I've been kind of not feeling great the last few days is uh feeling a little bit burned out tired a little bit depressed and the anti-depressant that I've been taking today as you guys can see in the background has been well worth it I can't do it every single day but I can do it some days and and that's my thought for you today is that if you get into the grind of things and you're doing the day in and day out stuff over and over and over again and you're losing touch with yourself and your heart sometimes it's beneficial to throw an audible to just shift it up do something different take your partner for a a lunch go get some time in nature go for a walk around the park take your lunch break and go somewhere different reach out to a friend enjoy some nature that's what I love to do and and because it's not done every single day there's added gratitude there's added Joy there's a 3-day effect that kicks in when you're outside like this and in a lot of ways I'm going to be going home retooled to be an even better therapist than I was when I started the week this week so just a thought for you what do you guys like to do for your audible days and you guys have a good one thank you so much for being here with me if you found this to be valuable for you please hit the like And subscribe button if you're facing particular struggles that you need help with or roadblocks that you're running into please submit a question I'd be happy to answer it for [Music] you [Music]

Tyler Patrick

About the author

"The Wandering Therapist"
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist based in Northern Utah. I help men, women, and couple's heal their hearts and relationships from addiction and trauma. I love this process of redemption and I have faith you can experience it too.