The Power Of The Collective

December 12, 2023

In this episode, Tyler discusses the profound impact of collective energy. Drawing from a recent retreat, he highlights the transformative power of communities, encouraging listeners to reflect on the spaces that nurture personal growth.

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let's talk about the power of the collective you guys Tyler wandering therapist here excited to be with you I had an experience over the weekend that I just wanted to share with you and it made me think a little bit about this idea of collective energy and the power of the collective you know I I'm sure all of you have been to an event someplace where it's a concert or maybe it's a a church activity or maybe it's a sporting event where you can almost feel the waves of the energy of the crowd kind of roll through you can almost feel it's got its own motion it's got its own life and it actually has in many times if you look at it from like a sporting event perspective it feels as though the energy of the crowd in the arena is what actually shifts the whole momentum of a game and helps in a lot of ways it helps the home team actually come from a place where maybe they're behind or haven't been playing well and finally there's this little burst of energy and then it grows into this big tidal wave and then it CR and it ends up having the home team win the game or whatever uh there's some power in that I experienced that this weekend uh at our most recent Rising Sun Retreat we have guys from all over the world excuse me we have guys from all over the world and all over the country show up 40 to 50 guys at this little tourist town in be Lake Utah they have to travel all over the from all over the the country so it takes their time they have to take time off work it takes their money they have to buy flights some of them buy rental cars some of them actually drive and then stay in hotels along the way uh there's a price tag to get in and then they show up but when they show up the power that it was established as a whole group was much larger than the addition of the sum of all its parts meaning that 1+ 1+ 1 up to 40 doesn't equal 40 it actually equals something more like a 100 in terms of the energy and the richness that was there I had some really amazing sort of spiritual experiences and emotional experiences for myself and it was in large part because of the energy of all the guys that came together there was a feeling of Brotherhood there was a feeling of connection there was a feeling of closeness and understanding and empathy and kindness and and brotherly love and it's only possible because a bunch of like-minded men decided to come together and in essence build a community of of support for one another and it got me thinking a little bit about the places that we put ourselves in on a on the dayto day most of us probably go through our day-to-day and we go to places that actually sap our energy or or cause us to have to work really hard to maintain a positive mental attitude and it made me wonder how many of us actually have people in our lives or places to go in our lives where we can use the power of the collective whether that's in our families making sure that we're spending time in an uplifting place with people that love us and support us in our families or our marriages whether it's with our best friends and getting together for a game night or a hike or some kind of a common purpose or a service project uh being anxiously engaged in a good cause and what a blessing those kinds of things are to the overall quality of our life and to the overall level wavelength so to speak of the energy with which we're living our lives and so my thought for you is to just think about the places you're spending your time the people you're spending your time with do you have some places in your life where you can experience the power of the collective I think that's one thing that church does for some people some people don't appreciate church but other people really feel the power of the collective there um workout classes therapy groups regular activities with your friends whatever it is sporting events um whatever is in your life I hope that you're getting that and that it's a positive experience where it's lifting you and helping you to become more than you are by yourself so thank you have a great day you guys thank you so much for being here with me if you found this to be valuable for you please hit the like And subscribe button if you're facing particular struggles that you need help with or roadblocks that you're running into please submit a question I'd be happy to answer it for you

Tyler Patrick

About the author

"The Wandering Therapist"
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist based in Northern Utah. I help men, women, and couple's heal their hearts and relationships from addiction and trauma. I love this process of redemption and I have faith you can experience it too.