Lessons Learned From A Fisherman 🐟 In Mexico and Some Mice 🐁…

May 19, 2023

Tyler shares his experience while fishing in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with his brothers that helped him see an important life lesson. The guide was skilled and knew how to find pods and schools of fish by looking for certain bubbles and using specific baits. The guide was constantly in search of the best spot to fish. Tyler shares how constant change isn’t always a bad thing and how being active in looking for those changes we need can lead us to greater success and happiness for ourselves.

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foreign what's going on you guys Tyler your wandering therapist here I'm actually down in Puerto Vallarta Mexico right now on a family reunion but I had an experience yesterday that I wanted to share because I thought it might have some value for someone who might be listening today yesterday I had the opportunity to go do some fishing with my brothers and our guide was just a local Mexican guy who ran his own ship and ran his own boat and we went out on the ocean with him for the day while we were out there I had a couple of things strike me that I think applied to life and a recovery and I thought I'd just share share them with you so that you might find some value in them we we got on the boat and we started going around the ocean looking for things that I wouldn't know how to notice but to a trained expert he knew what to look for and there were certain bubbles on the water that would represent certain pods and schools of fish and there were certain baits that they'd throw out right in the moment and we had a great time catching fish but what I noticed about my guide in particularly was he would stop in one place he would fish for just a few minutes and if we caught something we'd stay there for a minute and we'd stay catching fish but if we didn't catch something in two or three minutes he'd have everybody pull their lines up out of the water and he'd Drive the boat to a new spot then he'd park it and fish for two or three minutes and if we didn't catch anything then he would have everyone pull their lines up and go to the next spot and he moved a lot and if if the fish weren't biting in the spot we were at he was very quick to move on to something else and to try to find the place where we were going to be successful with catching fish because that was our Target for the day and while he was doing that about halfway through the day I was kind of getting frustrated because we were moving so much I'm typically one who Waits and is patient a little bit more patient with things and says hey things are going to come along and this guide was actually moving very quickly and so I was kind of getting frustrated but then it dawned on me that part of what he was doing was actually a real good principle of living in understanding that life is constantly changing because it's constantly changing if we can Embrace that it's changing and we can move with it the same way this guide was moving on the ocean that is constantly changing you're more sometimes more likely to be successful and reminded me of a book a little book that I read a long time ago and some of you guys have read it but if you haven't I'd recommend it it's called who Moved My Cheese and it's just a little Parable story about some mice who are in a maze and they all find cheese to eat and eventually they eat it until it's gone and then one day they show up the cheese is gone and each Mouse responds in a different way and one mouth stays and complains and says that she should still be where it's always at and they seem miserable and one of the mice ends up accepting that the cheese has moved and continues to run the maze until he finds new cheese and he's the happier Mouse because he's embraced that life is constant change so my thought for you today and my thought for myself yesterday on this trip was that sometimes I could do a better job of allowing myself myself to move when life needs to move embracing the fact that life is going to be a constant change and the person who Embraces change as a way of life is the one who actually suffers less and one who actually is typically more successful in life because they don't get stuck in the shoulds and shouldn'ts of what is or isn't right and they get busy living with what is so my challenge for you guys today uh think about the things in your life that might need some change and embrace those changes thanks thank you so much for being here with me if you found this to be valuable for you please hit the like And subscribe button if you're facing particular struggles that you need help with or roadblocks that you're running into please submit a question I'd be happy to answer it for you thank you [Music]

Tyler Patrick

About the author

"The Wandering Therapist"
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist based in Northern Utah. I help men, women, and couple's heal their hearts and relationships from addiction and trauma. I love this process of redemption and I have faith you can experience it too.