12 Pillars to Joy, Peace, Power, Freedom, Beauty and Love
We've developed a meaningful acronym that embodies the 12 most important principles to live by. It is the core of Love Strong and we call it W.H.O.L.E.H.E.A.R.T.E.D. 12 Pillars to Joy, Peace, Power, Freedom, and Love. These pillars are founded on truth within the gospel all starting with Matthew 22:37-40 where Christ is asked about the greatest of all the commandments. He speaks about loving God, Self, and our Neighbors. We believe this means living a life of connection: Connection To God, Connection To Self, and Connection To Others. Each area of connection has 4 different pillars associated within them. learn more by clicking on the titles.
Connection To God
Adopting a lifestyle of connection to God allows us to live from a sense of worthiness in knowing that our value is tied to a constant and true source. This expands our perspective and allows us to live our lives with a bigger picture and purpose in mind.
Connection To Self
Seeking and nurturing real connection in relationships provides us with a sense of well-being, comfort, and stability. We are wired for connection and are built to live deeply and intimately connected lives with others. Developing healthy boundaries based on personal values and respect allows us to embrace vulnerability and compassion as the source of real connection in relationships.
Connection To Others
Cultivating personal mindfulness helps us to more fully engage in living life on its terms. As we expand our awareness and link our hearts to our minds we develop the capacity to make more effective choices and better manage the painful emotions that are sometimes present. A mindful life leads to developing greater levels of self care, self-compassion, and healthy habits that lead to deeper vibrance in living.