We Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Experience Renewal & Growth
Do you feel stuck? Alone? Hopeless? It's easy to look at your life and find the problems. It can be hard to figure out the solutions. If you're finding that there is room to grow but you're hitting the same obstacles, whether it's a sexual addiction, trauma from betrayal, or other past wounds, we can help you to experience restoration and renewal like never before. We offer personal and individual therapy to those in need.
“When a man or woman makes war on their own weaknesses, they engage in the holiest war that mortals ever wage. The reward that comes from victory in this struggle is the most enduring, most satisfying, and the most exquisite that man ever experiences.”
- Bryant S. Hinckley

It's time for a sunrise in your life
We'll guide you through the steps to real change and it can last a lifetime if done right!
In-Person Or Online Individual therapy
If you're searching for personal and individual counseling and you live near Cache Valley, Utah, we're happy to let you know we have in-person services available for you. If you'd prefer online meetings or live outside the valley, we do offer the same services (minus experiential therapy) via our online telehealth services (secure video calling).
I Am A Better Man
Tyler’s laid back vibe and clear concern for me as a person instantly made me feel comfortable, which is huge when you’re contemplating whether or not to share your secrets with a total stranger. He provided me with the education, tools, and strategies that have helped me understand and manage my emotional issues that were the underlying causes of my addictions. I have benefited immensely from the one on one as well as group therapy sessions with Tyler. He is a great teacher and guide and I can say without a doubt that I am a better man because of his help.
An Innate Ability To See People As People
I have worked with Tyler as one of his clients for 4 years. Ever since the first conversation I had with him on the phone, I knew he would be a good fit for me. He was down to earth, sincere, and didn't presume that he had the answers; he was there to listen and understand first. This had a deep impression on me when what he did have to share and teach me was extremely applicable and real. Tyler seems to have an innate ability to see people as people. He has a wise yet unpretentious presence that puts me at ease as a client. He has helped me learn to normalize my experiences with addiction and reorient my perspective on what is commonly held to be wrong or taboo, thereby approaching recovery from a compassionate and scientific way. These lessons on mindfulness and moving away from black/white thinking are among the greatest exercises I've learned (and am learning) from Tyler. I have met with 4 other therapists. Tyler's candor, humility, respect and insight are what set him apart.
Responsible For So Much Of My Happiness
Tyler is a great man and therapist. He has played a major role in my recovery and is responsible for so much of my happiness.
The Therapy Brothers Podcast
The Call-In Podcast. Ask Them Anything