Hullo There,
My name is Chase. I am a son of a mighty God and Brother to Christ. I love my wife, my family, and light!
I believe in the principles we teach because I have tested them first hand. I know that they are true and pure for the purpose of making life better and more complete. I love learning, thinking and growing. I am grateful for choices and experiences. I am a wanderer and a wonderer.

In the spring of 2020 I filmed my vulnerable story. I chose to hike to the top of a mountain in Cache Valley, Utah and film at intervals along the hike. I also decided to do the hike during a sunrise. All this because of the symbolism that it has relative the to journey of life and reclaiming our hearts.
I am obsessed with creating! Art, Design, Videography, Photography, and Web and print are a few of my methods. I work with Tyler to craft our Love Strong presentations and fill them with meaningful images. One goal I have is for everything we produce to have some memory or powerful story connected to it.
Personal Life
I am husband to the most perfect wife for me, Chelsea Aniel Jones. She has been a love and support since 2015. Together we have 2 children. Our son August Robert Jones and Raya Virginia Jones are both a major sources of joy for us.
Our home is mostly a non stop stand up comedy session. We all think that we are funny and can't hold back when we have something come to our minds. Our poor kids. It's also filled with good music and bad dancing.
I'm a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. My heart has been changed because of Christ and His Atonement. I'm grateful for the way that He has helped me to shape my life!
I love Biking (all kinds), music (making + listening), journaling (every format), Sunrises (the ones that come up), and the outdoors (you can #cashmeoutside).
If you would like to see some of my projects, check out my portfolio:
A cute video of our son that I made in 2020: