“The Hero’s Journey” is a series of events combining therapeutic discussions, yoga, and an opportunity for group sharing centered on our personal stories and the Hero’s Journey. Participants are invited to explore self-awareness, inner growth, and resilience as they navigate life’s challenges in a supportive community space. Through guided yoga, meaningful conversations, and opportunities for vulnerability, this series offers an emotionally moving experience aimed at fostering connection and transformation.
Night 2 of the Hero’s Journey is going to focus on entering the cave.
*This event does not have to be attended in order to get a full experience. We will review useful information from previous evenings at the beginning of each event. AKA come join us even if you missed the last one, it will still be worth it. 😂 🙌
Let us know if you’d like to attend but cannot afford the event. We often have scholarship funds available that can help cover the cost of your pass.
Please RSVP that you’re “Paying In-Person”.
This will help so we have the correct numbers for things like supplies, food, and drinks.
At this time we can accept:
Refunds available up to 48 hours before the event. We understand if there is an emergency; we’ll gladly refund in situations outside of your control. Please contact us as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend.
If this is an event that you would like to attend but can’t for reasons other than finances, please let us know by marking “Can’t Go” in the RSVP.
McCall Stephens, LMFT
McCall has been working with individuals and couples for over a decade and works from both an emotional and logical framework to help you heal from past and present wounds. He has been a witness to many incredible transformations in his past clients and is excited to begin this same type of journey with you!
Keela Warburton (Yoga Instructor)
Keela is a creative, adventurous, and nurturing spirit. As she continues on her path of healing and self discovery, she believes that feeling is essential for healing. She embraces this in her trauma-informed yoga practice as she guides clients to ground themselves in the present, fostering deep self-awareness and connection. She believes that by nurturing this awareness, we can each unlock the innate power within to create the magnificent and unique lives we were designed for.
Chase Andrew Jones “Sunrise Kid”
Chase contributes faith and vision to Love Strong. He works closely with Tyler Patrick LMFT and the Love Strong Team to develop experiences that couple well with therapy. He gives artistic energy to creating tools to assist the team in their work and helps with team development, content creation, and company growth. His main areas of expertise are in music, story-telling, videography, photography, art, and design. He has many creative projects in the works that he hopes to make a reality one day and he’s a psycho for sunrises.
For questions about the event, please contact the event organizer:
This event will be hosted at the Stokes Nature Center in Logan Canyon. Wear shoes to enjoy a short, easy hike to the venue (10-15 minutes)! The Stokes Nature Center designated parking area is located along HWY 89. Cars will park in this area (apart from visitors needing handicapped accessible parking or to drop-off and pick-up). View the website for more info.
We’re making a big effort to create fun, educational, memorable experiences in all different forms. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get updates or join us on our new platform, Reclaim Your Heart, to get updates when events are posted. In this same platform we have a growing community where like-hearted people are posting their own free activities on a regular basis. Come join us!
Love Strong | Experience Therapy
40 W Cache Valley Blvd Ste 3c Logan, UT 84341
(435) 535-1203