Reality Acceptance

Pornography Addiction Recovery Kickstart


This course is offered as a 4 part series to help educate you in skills of reality acceptance. Learning these skill will help you to manage life with greater peace of mind and less stress and suffering from the effects of things outside of your control.

Every one of us has influences in our lives that we have no way of controlling. There is one thing we can control in all of it and that is our response to those hardships.

Welcome To Our Course

Ready For Change?

Reality Acceptance Course Curriculum

About The Instructor

Tyler Patrick, LMFT

"The Wandering Therapist"
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist based in Northern Utah. I help men, women, and couple's heal their hearts and relationships from addiction and trauma. I love this process of redemption and I have faith you can experience it too.

"I Recommend This Course For Everyone!"

"These are the foundations for getting it right. I've used these principles, and some others, over the last few years and am closer to the man I want to be than ever before. This is the place to start. I know one of my hesitations with my position in life right now is the cost of the course. If you look at the cost of an individual therapy session, you are getting a big bang for your buck with this course. I recommend this course for everyone. Even if you don't have an addiction, using the principles in your life can help you lead a more fulfilling lifestyle."


Love Strong Student

Ready For Change?