We are designed to become like God. We have been endowed with many divine qualities that God asks us to refine and perfect. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. We have a perfect exemplar to look to. Christ is the Being we are to Model our lives after. He embodies all Godly Traits because He is the source of those Godly Traits. We can both refine the qualities we've been given and acquire new ones.
Symbol: Shells
Shells come in a myriad of varieties. They house creatures, offering safety and protection while being beautiful and radiant at times. They can be pearlescent, iridescent, or even luminescent. When polished, the can be even more beautiful than in their original state. They can be bivalves that create pearls. The pearl of Great Price is a perfect example of God (as a shell) taking a grain of sand and creating something majestic of it (us).